Oct 12

Checking the Expiration Date

A couple of weeks ago I did something I haven’t done in years. I checked the expiration date on the milk in the fridge. As a mother of teenaged boys, my regular routine includes buying several gallons of milk each week without much thought about consumption. For years, the milk was purchased and consumed like clockwork. Expired milk wasn’t a consideration, but now with Devin now off at college some of our household norms have changed; milk is one of them.

Shannon Williams
Oct 5

But for Grace

A new report from The Chronicle of Philanthropy shows that fewer Americans are giving to charitable causes and that nonprofits are increasingly relying on the wealthy for support.

Bert Armstrong
Sep 28

Spinning Faster and Getting Nowhere

I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned in the first few years of development work. In my first year, we had planned 13 mass-market event fundraisers. The development manager left two months before half of the events took place. We had a new CEO, and I discovered my position was funded by adding event income to the budget. If only I had known!

Mendi Nieters
Sep 21

The Ocean Matters

I just returned from a family trip to the ocean. We took a chance with hurricane Irma moving North, but we were fortunate and only experienced rain and wind for a couple of days. While we were glued to the TV watching Irma advance, I was constantly checking in with family and friends in Florida to make sure they were alright. Our hearts go out to all who are affected by Harvey and Irma. It’s great to see people jumping in to help, from the $10 donations to millions raised and contributed by celebrities, local heroes, and anonymous donors. It will take years for houses to be rebuilt and to bring people’s lives back to normal.

April Anthony

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