Mar 6

Practice to Perform

There is a saying in athletics: How you practice is how you play at gametime.

Shannon Williams
Jan 17

If You Don’t Know How to Get There, You May End Up Someplace Else

Former Major League Baseball player and manager Yogi Berra once said, “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.”

Shannon Williams
Dec 13

A Path to Reducing Violence in the United States

HOPE. I have hope! In September I wrote a blog post called Joy Shattered following the tragic shooting on the UNC campus. In that blog I wrote, “The normalcy of violence in our country is unacceptable. It must change, but how?”

Shannon Williams
Sep 6

Joy Shattered

I live in a college town. The annual ritual of students returning to campus is pure joy. Seeing the wide-eyed freshmen, the confident graduate students, the anxious parents—it is just fun to observe.

Shannon Williams

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