Mar 2

Nonprofits in the Trump era

In an effort to share timely information and opinion on current trends impacting the non-profit sector in our state and region, we will be devoting consecutive weekly blogs to an issue or topic. This week begins a series on the Johnson Amendment and the current administration’s interest in its repeal.

Leslie Starsoneck
Jan 19

Defining Time, Talent, and Treasure

We write a lot in this space about the role and impact of great board members. We don’t sugarcoat the significant commitment required and we tout the value of setting early shared expectations to avoid frustration and ineffectiveness.

Leslie Starsoneck
Dec 1

Adding Fairness to Your Appeal

I love a quiet Sunday morning with coffee, a lazy cat, and the Sunday New York Times. During the week I get my news like most people these days, I scan headlines and articles from many of my favorite online sites. On Sunday I take time, fold back pages, and dig in to articles that may have been discarded with a keystroke on a weekday. On November 6th I spent my time with NYT special section called Giving, full of great articles and advice for those working or interested in the nonprofit space.

Leslie Starsoneck
Oct 20

Professional Troublemaking

Speaking out about unjust conditions – to friends, family, on social media – is the American way. Pointing to unfair treatment of individuals, groups, communities, or the environment is an important part of being civically engaged. As a nonprofit leader there is an added obligation to not just speak out, but to advocate and effect change in policy and systems.

Leslie Starsoneck

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