Sep 8

3 Quick Tips for Candidates

When we do a search at Armstrong McGuire as part of our Executive Transition Management offering, we work collaboratively with clients putting together a detailed position announcement that outlines the opportunity, as well as the primary responsibilities and related candidate qualifications. I’ve been reviewing a lot of resumes and applications as part of these searches and lately I have been struck by a few things.

Leslie Starsoneck
Aug 4

Introvert or Extrovert: Who makes a better leader?

I recently asked my husband to confirm whether I am an introvert. In an artful dodge characteristic of a long marriage, he replied “you’re on the spectrum.” His rationale: I like people a lot but only certain people and not always in large groups.

Leslie Starsoneck
Jun 30

Understanding Millennials

There are opinions galore about millennials just as there have been about past “gens.” Defined as those born between 1980 and 2000, millennials want, and demand meaning from their work. They shun the rat race. They aren’t driven to amass the money, or what it buys, in the same way or to the same degree as their parents.

Leslie Starsoneck
May 19

Just Six Things

In the book Just Six Numbers by renowned astrophysicist Martin Rees, the genesis of the universe is explained in a simple theory based on just six numbers. Here is my simple theory of Just Six Things you really need to know to be a successful nonprofit leader:

Leslie Starsoneck

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