Team of Senior Advisors Grows

Armstrong McGuire is excited to announce that Becky Bumgardner is joining the team as Senior Advisor.

In partnership with team members, board members, and volunteers at the V Foundation for Cancer Research, NC State University, and Triangle Land Conservancy Becky has raised more than 200 million dollars to support these amazing missions. Becky is recognized for her strategic approach to cultivating, soliciting, and closing major gifts for annual campaigns, capital campaigns, special initiatives and planned giving.

“We are thrilled to have Becky join our team,” said Co-founder and Principal Bert Armstrong. “Becky’s experience with the V Foundation and NC State has given her a national philanthropic perspective that will benefit our clients as they navigate fundraising opportunities and challenges. She is a true fundraising guru.”

When she is not designing fundraising strategies, Becky enjoys traveling, reading, and playing golf. Becky resides in Florida and makes frequent trips to North Carolina to spend time with her family. We hope you will join us in welcoming Becky to our team.

Each member of the Armstrong McGuire team shares an experienced approach that is rooted in compassion and understanding, enabling advisors to be perceptive of the needs of each community and receptive to the changes that drive the most positive outcomes.

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