Mar 20

The Oscar Goes To…. Best Capital Campaign

I love movies. I mean I really love movies. If I could do it all over again, I would attend film school and work in the industry.

April Anthony
Oct 4

Do You Have Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance seems to be a common phrase since Covid as candidates seek to continue remote or hybrid positions.

April Anthony
Aug 17

Are You Earning Your Donors’ Trust?

Recently, I was talking with my neighbors about the flooding in KY, fires in the Southwest and other hard hit areas (not to mention countless global atrocities). Questions naturally arose in the conversation: How can we help? Where should we give money?

April Anthony
May 4

Mandala Rocks, Peace Poles & Cinco de Mayo

In 2020 I started painting rocks with mandala designs as an outlet for stress and mindfulness. Everyone in my family got a rock that year for Christmas. Two years later, I am moving on to another artistic outlet that I stumbled upon – peace poles – in an effort to slow down and be mindful. What is a peace pole you ask? The Peace Pole Project was started in Japan by Masahisa Goi, who dedicated his life to spreading the message, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” Peace Poles symbolize the oneness of humanity and our common wish for a world at peace. The Peace Pole Project is an official project of The World Peace Sanctuary, a nonprofit sanctioned under the United Nations.

April Anthony

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