Sep 9


Being prepared crosses all parts of life in small “Do I have my mask?” “Am I off mute?” ways and in big “Do I have the necessary supplies for the approaching hurricane?” ways.

Shannon Williams
Aug 26

Fear Will Not Win

Recently I wrote a blog story reflecting on a hilariously terrifying encounter with a self-diagnosed medical condition of mine – ophidiophobia. For what I am sure was a very small handful of readers who missed this article due to vacations – or for the medically uninformed – this means I have a terrifying fear of snakes – easily among my top 10 fears in this world. For about a week after my snake encounter, I found every reason under the sun to avoid my regular pandemic-driven self-improvement exercise routine. I would sit at home imagining my next outing, coming right back to that spot on the trail and seeing Mr. Snake again or, worse yet, seeing a bigger and more menacing companion.

Bert Armstrong
Aug 19

Rejection or a Course Correction?

“Thank you so much for your application for (YOUR DREAM JOB!!). You have tremendous skills and expertise. However, I am sorry but we have selected another candidate.” Unfortunately, most of us have heard that phrase some time in our career. Telling qualified applicants they didn’t get a job is difficult. Competition is fierce and numerous candidates possess the specific skills the organization wants and needs.

Beth Briggs
Aug 12

Gone Fishing

Our family recently returned from our annual escape to Lake Gaston. Waterskiing, wake surfing, paddle boarding, swimming, diving, and just plain floating are the primary activities of choice for our crew most days.An obligatory fishing line is generally cast a time or two most years, but this year our son Carson decided that he was going to catch some fish. Earlier in the pandemic he read Jeremy Wade’s How to Think Like a Fish. Santa brought him a fancy fishing pool and tackle box. Before our trip he visited the Bass Pro Shop to hunt for special lures. He was ready.

Shannon Williams

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