May 2

Donor Engagement – “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

I’ve had the privilege of spending most of my nonprofit career in resource development. The aspect of development that brings me the most joy is without a doubt the strategy and operations that set a team, an organization, and its donors up for successful and meaningful relationships. Having a comprehensive donor engagement plan in place is a crucial foundation for that success – and as lyrical genius Taylor Swift so deftly points out, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Samantha Wright
Feb 7

Let's Play the Game of Risk

Recently, I turned the final page on Adam Higginbotham’s excellent book, Midnight in Chernobyl, a seemingly minute-by-minute account of the human-made events leading up to and following the 1986 nuclear disaster in North-Central Ukraine.

Todd Brantley
Aug 31

Reimagining Wasted Emotions

I come from a long line of practical women. Both my grandmothers were raised on farms in the country where there was little time for frivolity. While loving, my grandmothers’ approaches were no-nonsense and geared toward getting the job done, no matter what that entailed. This pragmatism was passed down to my aunts and mother and, ultimately, to my sister and me.

Staci Barfield
Mar 9

Build Your Brain to Build Your Leadership

Stress, overwhelm, disconnect, and burnout. These are the recent themes of calls from nonprofit Executive Directors.

Katie Weeks

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